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MailMate Client

Adding a CoreID Header

If you're looking to customize your emails sent from MailMate by adding a specific header, such as CoreID, this guide will walk you through the process. You can add a default value for this header, or leave it empty if you prefer.

Steps to Add the CoreID Header

  1. Open Terminal: First, you'll need to open your Terminal application. This is where you'll enter the command to add the header.

  2. Enter the Command: Use the following command template to add the CoreID header to MailMate. Replace <your_value> with your desired default value or leave it blank for an empty value.

    defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAdditionalComposerHeaders "( { headerName = 'X-Coreid'; defaultValue = '<your_value>'; type = 'plain'; } )"

    For example, if you want to set a default value, your command might look like this:

    defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAdditionalComposerHeaders "( { headerName = 'X-Coreid'; defaultValue = 'cb00…'; type = 'plain'; } )"

    To set it with an empty value, just omit the value in the command:

    defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAdditionalComposerHeaders "( { headerName = 'X-Coreid'; defaultValue = ''; type = 'plain'; } )"
  3. Restart MailMate: After executing the command, restart MailMate for the changes to take effect.

Additional Notes

  • Editing the CoreID: The CoreID header can be manually edited for each email if you set a default value or left it empty.
  • Multiple Headers: If you need to add multiple custom headers, you can modify the command to include additional header configurations.

By following these steps, you can effectively add a CoreID header to your emails in MailMate, enhancing your email customization capabilities.

Setting CoreID as Full Name in IMAP Account Settings

In addition to adding a CoreID header, you can also set your CoreID as the Full Name in your IMAP account settings within MailMate. This can be particularly useful for identification purposes. Follow these steps to set it up:

Steps to Set CoreID as Full Name

  1. Access IMAP Account Settings:

    • Open MailMate.
    • Navigate to the top menu and select File.
    • Choose Edit IMAP Account.
    • Select the account you wish to modify from the list.
  2. Set Full Name to CoreID:

    • In the account settings window, locate the field labeled Full Name.
    • Enter your CoreID as the value for this field. For instance, you can input something like cb00… or any other CoreID format you are using.
  3. Save the Changes:

    • After entering your CoreID, ensure you save the changes.
    • Close the settings window and the changes should be applied to your selected IMAP account.

Important Notes

  • Visibility: The Full Name set here will be visible to recipients of your emails as part of your email identity.
  • Different Accounts: If you have multiple accounts in MailMate, you can set a unique CoreID for each by repeating these steps for each account.
  • Consistency: If you are using CoreID in other settings or headers, ensure consistency for easier management and identification.

By setting your CoreID as the Full Name in your IMAP account settings, you add another layer of customization to your MailMate configuration, enhancing your email personalization and identification.